
The Intakt CMS has a Newsletter module that can be fully adapted in terms of layout to the corporate identity and design wishes of the customer. A responsive layout of the newsletter will offer easy to read emails on desktop, tablet and mobile.


Through a form at the public website, visitors can signup to the newsletter. Unsubscribe links are offered in the newsletter itself. This all happens within the Intakt CMS, no data is shared with another party.

For existing customers, this mailing module has been expanded with a number of advanced functions.



For a multilingual website, the Intakt CMS registers the preferred language of visitors when signing up for a newsletter. This makes it possible to send newsletters that are tailored to people who speak a specific language.

In that case, the layout of the newsletter will automatically adjust. The unsubscribe link, the website domain (.nl /.de /.com), contact information and other standard elements will be tailored to the chosen language without any additional action.

Language switch

Target groups

The newsletter subscribers can be divided into segments or target groups. Prior to sending, it is possible to indicated for which segment of recipients the letter is intended. This allows marketing campaigns to be set up even more effectively.


Shared newsletter

Intakt has set up a shared newsletter for a group of customers. It sends the same newsletter to the subscribers of several, different newsletters. Of course taking into account the preferred language of the individual subscribers.

In addition to individual newsletters from the individual, local departments, it is easy to send news that relates to the group as a whole.


Domain Keys Identified Mail (DKIM)

DKIM is a technique that links an organization to an e-mail message that has been sent. Receiving e-mail servers check the authenticity of an e-mail, and may or may not block it based on that. Domains that are protected by DKIM are less likely to be misused by spam. At the same time, authentic emails from that domain are less likely to be marked as spam.



The newsletter module keeps track of how many times a newsletter has been opened and which links have been clicked on. These statistics can be displayed in the Intakt CMS, but can also be easily analyzed by, for example, Google Analytics or other tracking systems that are used for the website. In this way, the marketing department has all the data clearly together.
