For the websites of FietsRelax, Dutch Bike Tours, Belgian Bike Tours, French Bike Tours, Spanish Bike Tours, Italian Bike Tours and S-Cape Travel we developed an integration of the DaVinci catalog and booking system (linking packages, services and prices) with the backends of the websites (enrichment with descriptions and images)
- Travel products: make DaVinci tour operator prices directly available on various websites, for searching and booking.
- Import bookings from the websites directly into DaVinci
- Make booking updates, payments and travel documents from DaVinci directly available on the website in a MyBooking environment
- Travel products are periodically collected from DaVinci using Package-Price WebServices (SOAP) and linked to the website CMS

The complex price structures and variants are reduced to a data set that can be used by the website when importing
- In the website booking form various options and prices are available based on the imported data

- The bookings are sent to DaVinci using G1-Action WebServices (SOAP)

The completed customer and booking data is parsed into DaVinci format, and can thus be read directly into DaVinci and processed by the agent.
- Bookings are periodically retrieved from DaVinci using G1-Action Webservices (SOAP) and linked to the website CMS
- For each new booking, customers are emailed with login details for the MyBooking environment. In this environment, the customer can view the booking details and statuses, as well as download linked documents such as Directions and GPS tracks.