start of 2020

Medialibrary Jambix and Itinerary WebApp

For Jambix, the functionality of the Textlibrary and Imagemanager has been expanded.

Travel programs are easily assembled from reusable media elements:


By combining these elements with an existing booking, a tailor-made day-to-day itinerary can automatically be offered to customers:


By publishing this information as a mini-website, the Travel Plan WebApp, every customer can directly and 24/7 access his current travel plan online. E.g. via a QR code link in his travel documents, or a personal login:


Because the publication can be updated from Jambix, the customer has access to the most recent information.

For example, in case of Covid measures, it is possible to publish an update to the customers personal WebApp:

WebApp update

The WebApp remains available when the customer is offline, for example on a smartphone or tablet.

This is made possible by using Progressive Web App (PWA) code in mini-website.

This code ensures that

  • online always the most recent information on the smartphone or tablet is downloaded / cached,
  • offline this (downloaded/cached) information is available